Poynter Curriculum
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These materials come from the Poynter Institute curriculum seminars I taught through 2013.
- Link to the Delicious bookmarks I set up for our Poynter sessions
- Presentation: Rubrics for grading multimedia work (PowerPoint download including media files)
- Presentation: (R)evolution: Models and ideas for curriculum change (PowerPoint download including media files)
- Download Excel file of multimedia grading rubrics, so you can adjust them for your own use
- Video tutorials, including four on doing screen captures of your own
- E-mail me at kbculver@wisc.edu
You’re welcome to syllabi, exercises, notes or anything of interest in any of my courses (warning: not all are updated in a given semester, depending on what I’m teaching):
- J202, Mass Media Practices (that whopping 6-credit intro boot camp)
- J417, Magazine Publishing
- J676, Digital Media Law and Ethics
- Here’s that 10-week incremental multimedia reporting and writing assignment