Research Publications

Journal Articles

Culver, K. Drones and Privacy. In Patterson, Phillip, Wilkins, Lee, and Painter, Chad. Media Ethics: Issues and Cases. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Shepard, J.M., and Culver, K. Culture Wars on Campus: Academic Freedom, the First Amendment, and Partisan Outrage in Polarized Times. San Diego Law Review (Forthcoming).

Culver, K. Trump, Democracy, and the Extension of Journalism Ethics. In Gutsche, Jr., Robert E., The Trump Presidency, Journalism and Democracy. New York & London: Routledge (Forthcoming).

Culver, K. Drones in the National Airspace: Ethics, Participation and the Public Interest. In Heider, Don, and Vanacker, Bastiaan, Ethics for a Digital Age. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang (Forthcoming).

Culver, K., and Duncan, M. Drones in the Newsroom: Insights into Audience Opinions and Expectations. Center for Journalism Ethics White Paper (2017).

Robinson, S., and Culver, K. When White Reporters Cover Race: The News Media, Objectivity and Community (Dis-)trust. Journalism (2016).

Culver, K. Disengaged Ethics: Code Development and Journalism’s Relationship with “the Public.” Journalism Practice. (2016)

Culver, K. From Battlefield to Newsroom: Ethical Implications of Drone Technology in Journalism. Journal of Mass Media Ethics (2014).

Culver, K. Advocacy and Infrastructure: Community Newspapers, Ethics and Information Needs. Journalism Practice (2014).

Martin, H. & and Culver, K. Concentrate, Intensify or Shorten?: Intensive Courses in Summer Sessions. 71 Continuing Higher Education Review 89 (2013).

Culver, K. An Open Door with a Big Spring: Cameras in the Federal Courts and Media News Judgments. 1 Visual Communication Quarterly 17 (1994).

Book Chapters

Culver, K. Rights, Drones in the National Airspace: Ethics, Participation and the Public Interest. Book chapter in Don Heider and Bastiaan Vanacker, Ethics for a Digital Age. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang. (Submission forthcoming)

Culver, K., and Mirer, M. Constrained Independence: Digital Branded Content in Sports through the Lens of Journalism Ethics. In Don Heider and Bastiaan Vanacker, Ethics for a Digital Age. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang (2016).

Shah, D., Culver, K., Hanna, A., Macafee, T., Yang, J. Everyday Political Talk Online. In Stephen Coleman and Deen Freelon, Handbook of Digital Politics. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar (2015).

Culver, K. Advocacy and Infrastructure: Community Newspapers, Ethics and Information Needs. In S. Robinson (ed.) Community Journalism Midst Media Revolution. New York: Taylor & Francis (2014).

Research Report Chapters

Culver, K. Rights, Ownership, Ethics and Sensors in Journalism. In F. Pitt, ed., Sensors and Journalism. Columbia University Tow Center for Digital Journalism.

In Progress

Robinson, S., and Culver, K. When White Reporters Cover Race: The News Media, Objectivity and Community (Dis-)trust. Status: Under review.