Teaching Materials

I teach in the School of Journalism & Mass Communication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where I specialize in ethics, law, digital and social media, information literacy and design.

My course rotation includes:

J202, Mass Media Practices: Lays a foundation for students and gives them the beginnings of a toolkit of conceptual and practical skills in mass communication. Key focuses:

  • research, writing, editing and presentation for news and strategic communication in text, audio, video, image and interactive
  • cross-platform writing and production skills
  • critical thinking abilities
  • ethics and professional practices

J411, Multimedia Design: Helps students conceive messages in multiple formats and build design and production techniques. Students produce messages in text, audio, video and motion, covering both print and online output.

J417, Magazines: Takes an integrated, in-depth approach to magazine management, writing, editing and design. The course produces print, mobile and online versions of its own magazine, Curb.

J676, Digital Media Law and Ethics: Examines the influences and effects of digital media on society and individuals through emphasis on law and ethics. Built as a collaborative enterprise between students and instructors, the course simultaneously covers topics and the technologies that can be used to learn about those topics, including:

  • Legal Theory and Concepts
  • Ethics Theory and Concepts
  • Libel
  • Privacy
  • Secrecy & Data Mining
  • Anonymity & Hate Speech
  • Cyberbullying
  • Intellectual Property
  • Hacking & Security

J825, Ethics and Communication Seminar: Explores critical media ethics questions shaped by practices in a disruptive digital environment. Covers the development of traditional media ethics, primarily in journalism but also in other areas of media practice, before turning to questions of freedom of expression online, identity and harm, objectivity and transparency, privacy, security, and accountability.