- learn the process of research
- explore specific questions of law and ethics online in depth
- discover legal and ethical issues within an applied arena
- small groups of students will conduct a collaborative research project
- each group will propose a project exploring some question of law or ethics (or both) within the context of a specific online issue
- your research must include:
- a sufficiently narrow focus(for instance, examining non-expert medical advice online is likely too broad while studying non-expert advice about medicinal marijuana is appropriately narrow)
- specific research questions
- a literature review of relevant social scientific scholarship
- primary source materials
- you will report your findings through a digital hub about the issues and community you studied
- you may choose any kind of hub, but it must cover all of the research elements above through at least 3 distinct digital elements, including:
- text
- audio
- data
- video
- graphics
- commenting
- polling or other interactivity
- other creative elements
- for instance, you might create a site on WordPress that includes:
- a set of posts in which you describe your research findings and get comments from people in the community you studied
- a hyperlinked and annotated bibliography of related research
- audio files of interviews with experts related to your topic
- 30 percent: evidence of research quality (narrow topic, specific questions, appropriate methods, thorough literature review)
- 30 percent: clear and convincing conclusions related to legal or ethical theories and issues, supported by evidence
- 40 percent: clarity and creativity in relaying your findings through your digital hub for a general public audience (I will consider private sites for exceptional cases)
- the full research project accounts for 25 percent of your final course grade
- Research proposal: Week 5, class 1
- Annotated bibliography of at least 5 social scientific sources: Week 7, class 1
- Research questions: Week 9, class 1
- Primary sources: Week 11, class 1
- Thesis statement and outline: Week 12, class 1
- Presentations: Final three classes
- Project completed and hub public: Final exam time, 7:45 p.m. Dec. 19 (we have no in-person final)
See our Google Drive for suggested formats for all of the required research project elements.